Category: educational

  • Video review: Beer Engineers Peanut Butter Porter

    Video review of BE Peanut Butter Porter Changing things up a bit by doing a thoroughly irreverent video review with my buddy Joseph Baker wherein we touch on a little of the BS that breweries go through to get their beer onto the shelves. In post-review conversation we kicked around food pairings and decided that…

  • Pairing beer and cheese

    I love being asked unexpected questions about pairing beer and food, so when I got a request from a distributor to put together some pairings for a segment on a local TV station (ABC 33/40) I jumped at the challenge: The request Cheese pairings for Straight to Ale Lily Flagg (milk stout) Straight to Ale…

  • Beer float

    I thoroughly enjoy making people feel confused about beer.  There are so many preconceptions about beer caused by the advertising for mass brands that saying two words – “beer float?” – makes people come to a shuddering halt. بيت 365 Their confusion comes from the concept of adding ice cream to a mass lager. That…

  • Chili and stout

    Everyone has their favourite chili recipe. And why wouldn’t you? A meltingly tender stew of mixed meats, and/or veggies, and/or beans, it can be a gourmet feast, a magnet for leftovers, or an acknowledgement that there is too much month left at the end of your pay! How can you incorporate a nice beer into…

  • Thanksgiving pairings

    Thanksgiving meals, like Christmas, have a number of challenges when it comes to pairings. The turkey is sweet but can be rather flavourless. Sweet potato casserole can be extremely sweet indeed. There tends to be a lot of butter floating around, as well as cranberry sauce, gravy, and (at least in my household!) mustard sauce,…

  • How to drink beer

    People have been drinking beer for millennia, why do I think I need to explain how to drink beer?! This post is necessary because, sadly, advertising of the mass brands has led people down a fatally wrong path.   The difference with real beer Real beer is meant to be sipped and savoured from a glass,…